QQ English 日常英会話(新)001



Q. Can you hear me?
A. Yes, I can hear you.

Q. Can you see me?
A. Yes, I can see you.

Q. How was your day today?
A. It was so-so. I worked today.

Q. What company did you work?
A. My company is an computer, IT.

Q. Why do you learn English language?
A. I want to know English information. Latest (IT) information is in English.

You can ask me.
Okay, teacher.

遅く話して欲しい時 → Would you speak more slowly? Please speak slowly.

It is right?
It's wrong.
Wait for me.

Q. Are you done here.
A. No, I don't.

Let's try this one.

Q. Can you please read title?
how about this one.

Q. When did story happen?
A. It is happen in the morning.

She prepares breakfast.

Grammar Focus = 文法の焦点

No more question?

What did he used while checking his email?